notis LI (latihan industri) dalaman da kuar...
name list pown da kuar...
ramai jugak ar yang X-cited ngan LI tuh!!!
asal name aq TAK DAK PULAK!!!
kuang hasam btol!!!~~ 
serabot nye!!
aq pown nk wat LI jugak!!!

Gamba Hiasan Je~~


1st day klaz sem 5 aq...
da TUANG~~
satu klaz pown aq tak masuk....
al maklum la kan...
overdos tido sebab semalam tengok Barca menang...
3-1 MU kene titik...



28 Mei 2011
Kat Tesco Mergong
10:00 a.m. till 3:00 p.m.

Jumpa Yus Jambu...
dri Maharaja Lawak...
sporting gille ar die nie..
layan je..
sempat jugak kite orang snap picture ngan die...

Ei!!!! Kemon la...Ape Pown Tak Blehh!!! hee~~


baru je nak panas da kena keje...

aq stat keje blik kat RB...
tanggal 16 Mei...
memang bebal jugak ar...
mne tak nye..
aq baru je sampai dari Melaka (SUKOB)..
da kene suruh pegi keje...

Nak ke tak...
kene la keje...
ape yang penting..
Duit Masyuk~~hee

1st day keje...
da macam-macam story aq denga...
kes curi, pecah amanah, scandal...
dasat jugak RB aq nie...
Datang pown da banyak muka baru...
yang lama sume da blah..
SEBAB!!! mcm yang kat atas tu ar...
otai lama yang tinggal pown...
Pak Su, Pak Lah, Kucai n Tuan Zikri...
Kucai plak sampai awal bulan 6 nie je...
die da nak sambung balaja...
budak KUIN tu~~

Keje aq kt situ cm biasa...
nak plak lpak dengan budak baru...
Amin, Taufik, n Husin..(die orang nie bdk U woo)
memang tangkap lentok abiz ar...

25 Mei aq benti..
sebab nak sambung balaja kat kolej kesayangan nie haaa...
Sem 5 da wey...hee
PROJEK RB da settle, skunk PROJEK SEM 5 plak...
k la..

Category: 0 ce cite


Petang tadi..
mase abiz exam paper Office Software...
aku and the gang g ar lepak kejap kat Tat Nasi Ayam...
bebual segala macam...
set la nak balik rumah....
on da way balik tu...
de la satu road block...
JPJ woooo~~
tapi die orang da abiz wat roadblock...
 sebab ari nak hujan...
so memang save la...
tapi ape yang tak selamat nye...
mase tu aku naik moto dengan membe aku...WEN!!
slumber kentang je follow mat moto kat depan aku...
follow punye follow...
aku tak seda ade cone JPJ kat depan...
tunggu bapak lagi...
aku pown serondol je la...
tak sempat nak elak seyh~~huuu
begolek cone tu...
sian je aku nengok...

Aku pown...
dengan bangga nye
FULL THROTTLE terus bai...
gile ko nak patah balik gi angkat bende alah tu...
die orang punye barang, die orang ar yang angkat...
pape pown...
sory abang JPJ...
tak sengaja tu...

gambar hiasan

Category: 2 ce cite

"10 Strangest Human In World"

1) Joseph Merrick - ELEPHANT MAN
       Born in 1862, Joseph Merrick had a physical disorder that is growing very big ears when she was five years old. He joined the show in 1884, where he was treated well and got a lot of money. A doctor visitors see it and plan to change his life. Now he's known toJoseph Merrick actually suffered from Proteus syndrome and not theelephantiasis that such a thought. Merrick died at age 27 due to suffocation during sleep.

2) Juan Baptista dos Santos - The Man With 2 Penis
Jean (or Juan) Baptista dos Santos is said to have become a "Gipsey", born in Faro, Portugal in 1843. from the normal husband-wife with two other normal children. His career in performances overseen by a medical team. In 1865, he produced 200.00 francs to perform with a circus in France for two years. He has two functioning penises scrota dam three, two parts which have one testicle. Dos Santos said the center is also used in the Scrotum also contained a pair of testes, but has now been fused with peruts when he was ten. 

3) Myrtle Corbin - Four Legged Woman
 Josephine Myrtle Corbin was born in Lincoln Country, Tennessee in 1868. She was born dipygus, have two adjacent separate pelvis from the waist. This additional leg is part of a twin that did not separate properly, like Frank Lentini who had three legs. Each pair of tiny legs with large feet, she said that can move a little time, but not strong enough for walking. She punga four daughters and one son.

4) Mademoiselle Gabrielle - Female Half
Born in Basle, Switzerland, in 1884, if Gabrielle Fuller first joined the circus in Paris Exposition in 1900. She traveled with Ringling Brothers Circus performed in the show Dreamland Coney Island. She married twice, first by John de Fuller. She's got the perfect upper body which ended at the waist.

 5) Mary Ann Bevan - Poor Women
Mary Ann Webster was born in London, England in 1874, with seven brothers. When young, she worked as a nurse and in 1903 married a vegetable seller, Thomas Bevan. Shortly after marriage,Mary Ann began to show symptoms of acromegaly, enlargement due to abnormal growth and dysfunction in the face, such as headache, blurred vision and muscle and joint pain. She had four children before Thomas died in 1914.

6) Martin Laurello - Owl Man
Pira named Martin Laurello was born Martin Emmerling in Nuremberg, Germany in 1886. She started acting in Europe at the age of 20s and continuing to the U.S. in 1921. He appeared several times at Coney Island and worked also for the Ringling Bros., Barnum & Baileys performances. He also worked for the Royal American Shows of Dick Best and end of year 19 945 appear to Ripley with "Popeye Perry" and "Junior Stiles', lobster boy was seven years old.

7) Mme. Clofullia - bearded lad
Madame Clofullia born with the name of Josephine Boisdechene in Switzerland. They say she was born with body hair and a beard as thick as 2 inches at the age of eight. At age eight, she began touring in Europe with his father. In Paris, she met painter Fortube Clofullia and then marry him. She became famous for showing his beard when mimics have a Napoleon III. Then, the ruler of the area that gave enormous jewel.

8) Wang - Human Unicorn
  In 1930, a Chinese farmer from Mancgukuo met a Russian banker. The Russians were taking pictures of the farmer and sent his picture to Robert Ripley from the show 'Believe It Or Not'. Known as Wang, or sometimes called Weng, the farmer is actually normal stature, except along the 14-inch horn growing from the back of his head. Ripley offers a lot of money for anyone who could take him perform in Odditorium. However, Wang disappeared from the public in the early 1930s and reportedly never heard from again.

9) Lionel - Lion-faced Boy
 Stephan Bibrowsky Ploandia born in 1890 from a normal parent. He suffered from hypertrichosis, a rare genetic disorder that covers the entire body with a feather. There are only about 50 cases of this disorder is known since the Middle Ages. In the case of Lionel, six-inch long hair covering its body. She was discovered by a German named Meyer when he was four years old and became famous in Europe where he earned the nickname of the lion-faced man. Much different from the same animal, of course, she wears clothes and hanging out with the five languages he mastered.

10) Ella Harper - Girls Camel
  This article pitch card from Ella Harper. Pitch card ad tuh make attraksi performances.
"I called camel girl because my knees facing the rear. I can walk with my hands and feet as you can see in the picture. I have been traveling for the show for four years and now, in 1886 and I decided to quit and go to school and looking for new activities " 


Category: 5 ce cite


Mike check...
123 check check...
123 panggilan over...

seda ke tak...
final exam da dekat...
pengsan la cam mne pown...
bende alah tu tetap dekat d ati korang...

da prepare ke untuk final exam nie??
mesti korang da ready untuk bende alah tu kan...
cam aq nie...
wat relax suda...
pe nak kalut...
final exam je pown...
ptot nye ble da denga final exam da dkat...
kite ptot hapy bukan nye feel scary,,,
opkos la ble da final...
pas tu mesti cuti
so...ape yang nak tkot nye..~~

xyah story lagy sal tkot ke tak ngan final...
aq kat sini juz nak susun spuloh jari...
wish kan keng korang 
wat yang tebaek...
hope xde yang kne repeat...
kalu tak kene extend sem plak....
Bye Bye~~

Category: 0 ce cite


pejam celik pejam celik
da 4 bulan aq blajo kat kolej...
nk abiz da pown sem 4...
da xyah nak fenin kapla wat assment, test, n kuiz...
juz tggal nk kasi pecah kapla untuk exam lak...
pape pown...
sem 4 nie paling bnyk aktiviti yang da aq wat...
pecah record tu..
sebelum2 nie cme underground je...
but for this sem...hee
sangat happening....
manage event...
represent OM in SUAP..
surat amaran..
public speaking..
senang cite sem nie aq rse idop skit~~
tak mcm selalu...

conclusion nye d sini...
aq happy blaja untuk sem 4 nie..~~

lalalalalalaaaa~~ =P

Category: 0 ce cite

EVENT EXPANDABLE tebaekkkk!!~~~

Tanggal 4 March 2011
terlangsung lah sebuah event
yang aq rse pling gempak yang pena jd lam idop aq...
the first time event ever originally made by OM 4E!!! fuyoo~~

Kite org wat event...
mmg x la nak amik participant from kolej...
klu amik...
dak2 skola tu nak tauk mne...hee~~

event school attack mmg 100% break our stamina limit doe~~
mne x nye...
pagi rehearsal smpai ke petang...
mlm tu plak de test public speaking...
mmg best ar (aq fail kowt test tu..hahaa~~)
abis je test...
kne wat 2nd rehearsal (wit Sir Shukran) plak...
smpai kul 4 pagi....
mmg pnat ar wa baq lu...

Sok tu plak..
pukul 7 pagi da kne gerak pg skola...
bapak ar...
rse berat je nk kuar gi organize event tuh!!!
tp xpe la...
once in my life time....
aq kuat kn semangat lipas dlm badan nie tuk event tuh~~

awal-awal pagi da kne jd pak GUARD....
lpak depan gate skola...
tunggu vip n vvip datang...
klu de rokok time tu..
mmg xjd keja ar jawab nye,,,....~~

Aq bkn nk story sal keja pe aq wat mse event....
juz nak gtau....
event kite org successfully finished with joy on our participants face...
itu yang penting....
penat xpe...
A+ mesti kne de lam tangan...hahaa~~

Kat bawah nie de la skit picture review sal event kite org....
Selamat sekodeng!!!


susun kerusi ye bang

ckp pe putih...haa~~

Lalalalaaa~~ Event Day...^0^ :

De bnyk lg pic sal Event nie....
tp ckup yg nie dulu...
bnyk sgt ar nk upload...hee~~
tu je...Adiyoss~~!!



PON!!! PON!!!~~~
kalau balik je kampong...
tiap2 pagi breakfast...
mesti kat atas meja ade satu makanan yang kalau xde die cam xlengkap je breakfast....
cube teka ape tu...
kalau betol wa sorak...
kalau salah pown wa len skit la bunyik dia...

tau ke x??
kalau tau bagus la...
kalau x.... 
wa rase korang patot stapler kelopak mata korang...
bia jangan tebukak...
kalau tebukak pown xnampak jugak...
baik biakan tetutup...

jawapan nye op kos la NASI LEMAK
kan title die nasi lemak....

wa de denga cita sebenanye....
nape nasi tu orang panggil nasi lemak...
mesti korang pown pikir kan...
nape mesti nasi lemak...
kenape xpanggil nasi berikan bilis telur dan timun??

K ar...
cita die ceng gini:

Satu subuh yang sunyi di Kampung Nak Masuk 3 Kupang, tinggal la dua beranak kat hulu sungai kampung.  Si ibu, seorang tukang kebun akan keluar awal-awal pagi untuk pegi op kos bekebun...xkan jual minyak plak.  So, tinggal la sini anak d rumah keseorangan.  Tapi, pada satu hari tu, si ibu terlupa nak masak sebelum keluar bekebun.  So, die pown mintak la tolong si anak untuk masak kan nasi:

Si ibu:, bangun lekas...ibu nak ke kebun nie...sampai sana nak punch card pulak...nanti lambat plak ibu.

Enot: datang la nie...hurrrr~~

Si ibu:  Haaa Enot...ibu da lambat nie...nanti kamu jangan lupe masak nasi ye...tengah hari nanti ibu pulang...

Enot:  Yela ibu...ibu pegi la keja dulu...nanti Enot settle kan sume.

So, si ibu pown tanpa belengah...terus angkat kain n cabottt sebab tak nak lewat punch card.  Tinggal si anak sendirian d rumah dengan satu azam 1888, TANAK NASIK.  Untuk petama kali si Enot terpaksa melakukan tugasan ibu nya. 

Enot:  Cam mne nak masak nasi nie?? air nak bubuh bape liter ek?? huh!!

Dah segala macam unsur kimia and fizik yang Enot apply, last2 Enot apply sedikit santan and secampak daun pandan and then,,POP!!! jd la nasi~~ Enot senyum lebar coz nie first time masakan dia menjadi.  Setelah separuh hari berlalu, pulang lah si ibu dengan membawa pulang sedikit lauk.  Setelah siap dihidang, si ibu merasakan sesuatu yang pelik tentang nasi ciptaan Enot.

Si ibu:  Kamu masak ape nie Enot?

Enot:  Nasi LER MAK

Si ibu:  Yela..nasi ape nie??

Enot:  Nasi LER MAK..

Keadaan tu berlarutan sampai kedua-dua nya letih nak bersoal jawab.  Semenjak dari ari tu, resipi turun temurun tu terus wujud sampai sekarang.  Perkataan LER MAK pown da d short form kan kepada LEMAK.  Sebab tu nasi tu di panggil NASI LEMAK.....hahaaa,,.. Adiyossss  =P

ermmmmmm...nyum3 ^-^

*tu sume rekaan je...xde kena mengena yang parkinson ataupon yang strok...Pe@cE (^^)Y

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